Tuesday, April 1, 2014



(That's basically the only phrase I know in Hebrew)

If you don't know already and haven't seen my other blog: israelfromparis.blogspot.com
I'M GOING TO ISRAEL!!! (more information about the trip is on the Israel blog!)

Today our team bought tickets for Israel!!! It's getting so real. The only thing holding me back is school, which is also very real and very busy.

*Life Update*

It is April. Which means I graduate NEXT MONTH! Until then, I am trying to work on ALL of my final projects for my classes, and apply for jobs. It's hard not having life planned out, but it's also a beautiful place to be! Being in this stage of not knowing has given me some sweet, sweet time with God and is putting my faith and trust in Him to the ultimate test. All of these things I have planned are nothing compared to what God has planned for me. For example, originally I thought I would get a summer job/internship after graduation. But, instead, God is sending me to ISRAEL!!!!

My month in Israel is going to be a whirlwind. I'm afraid the time will fly by. My 4 months in Italy flew by, and I'll be in Israel for only a quarter of that time.

Everything seems to be hurtling at me with insane amounts of speed with no intent of slowing down. In my mind, when I graduate, everything will be so much easier (which I know is not the case). After graduation I have my roommate's wedding, and packing for Israel, and you all know how I am about packing...

Buying the tickets today has been a huge wake up moment for me. I am for real going to Israel with a group of people I have never met to serve my heart out. Having the flights set in stone is a little scary, but the fact that my flight is purchased means I raised enough money to buy the tickets!! Yay for the Lord's provision!!!

So the whole trusting God thing I was talking about earlier, here I am again not putting my trust in Him to provide for me financially! How human can I be?! (you don't need to answer that!) I only have $900 left to raise before I will have raised the ENTIRE $3700. Now let me give you some insight into my childhood and fundraising.

*Back Story*

I grew up in an environment that disliked fundraising with a passion. Jump Rope for Heart in elementary school, yeah, I definitely wanted those prizes for raising a certain amount of money. Did we fundraise? Nope. AND I was never in Girl Scouts, so I don't even have the experience of selling cookies! (talk about being under qualified). Also, the few months I was a waitress, I just really sucked at it. I don't have any other words for it. God did not gift me with the ability to sell things to people. If anything, I've always felt like a financial burden on people, like my parents and even guys I've dated who want to pay for my meal or movie ticket.

The fact that I have raised $2800 (I think that's correct, I'm an Art Major, I can't do math) is NOTHING that I have done. It is COMPLETELY God's doing. All of this to say, as a college student with no prospects of a job after graduation, or even when I get back from Israel, I still need to raise $900. In my mind, $900 is SO MUCH MONEY!!! You know how many boxes of Mac n Cheese and Lucky Charms I could buy with $900? A lot!

I find myself stressing about raising this money, as most people stress about finances, and then I think about how vast God is. How big the sky is and how small the Earth is in perspective to the rest of the Universe. How small I am in comparison with the billions of people that inhabit this world and then realize how small and minuscule $900 is to God. Or even the original $3700. Of course God doesn't just pop by the bank and give the teller a deposit for me, He uses His children. So many of my friends and family have given money to the cause of my Israel trip, and still more will continue to give.

Sunset | Amarillo, TX

Back to the being a college student thing, I can't do this alone. I cannot come up with $900 by my own doing in two months. This is when I swallow my pride and ask with humility for the kindness and generosity of others to support me on my journey to Israel. If you feel led to give, or would prayerfully consider donating to help me raise my last $900, I know God will use that money in powerful, powerful ways.

I originally sent out support letters, and have since been contemplating other ways to fundraise. Obviously I have decided to put it on my blog. I have also played with the idea of making shirts as a fundraiser if it comes down to it. I know people love them a good t-shirt, or maybe that's just me. For now I'll just put it on my blog...

If you would like to donate to me :) there are a couple ways you can do so, all of which are tax deductible. (I know, I know, this isn't the most exciting moment in my blogging life. I can't believe I just typed the words "tax deductible".)

1. You can give online! (takes credit cards and paypal)
Right now, reading my blog online, you can just scoot over to a new internet page and go to:  https://www.chosenpeople.com/main/index.php/donate/give-online 
If you choose this option make sure to put my name and trip info into the special designation area:
Paris Paetzold, Outreach Israel

2. You can mail a check!
Super old school but very effective! I still write checks when I get my hair cut and pay my credit card bill, so I definitely have not gone paperless. Once again, if you write a check put my name and trip info on the memo line:
Paris Paetzold, Outreach Israel
Checks can be mailed to:
Chosen People Ministries
241 E. 51st St.
New York, NY  10022

If the last 4-5 paragraphs don't apply to you (and you are just utterly disgusted that I have stooped so low as to put up info about financial donations online) then I will still ask you for your prayers! Because Im going to Israel and I am in need of a lot of prayers for this! God can still use your prayers just as effectively, if not more than the monetary side of this trip.

Okay, now that the hard boring part of the blog is over! Time for me to get back to the grind and work on school assignments (which actually doesn't sound any more exciting now that I think about it). Seriously one of the only things that gets me through the week is saying, "Graduation", over and over again.

I end this post knowing that God will provide for me in the big things as well as the small things (even if the big things aren't even that big for Him) because I serve a big God.